Released: 2010
Comedy (but not very funny)
Director: Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer
Starring: Jenn Proske, Matt Lanter, Diedrich Bader
Running Time: 82 minutes
Rated: PG-13
The breakdown: Plain and simple this is a parody of the Twilight series. If you don't know the storyline of that: Teenage angst-filled girl moves to new town, falls in love with pasty white, scary looking stranger, who happens to be a vampire, they abstain from sex until they're married, then have a demon spawn human/vampire hybrid that almost kills the mother during pregnancy. Vampire bites his wife to make her vampire and I don't really know how it ends, because I don't care. Oh yeah, and there's supposed to be some sort of love triangle here before the marriage, but the girl really loves the vampire, and the werewolf is just a good friend, no matter how often he takes off his shirt for her. Not a very compelling love triangle if the girl really only loves one person, duh. Also, I should mention here....In the original movie, I feel no love connection between the two main characters and no on screen sizzle even though the two are a real couple off screen. My brother quoted someone else pointing out the fact that in the first 10 minutes of Disney/Pixar's animated movie Up, they told a better, more complete love story without saying a word than the whole series of Twilight movies. Well said!
Anyone who knows me knows I don't like Twilight and will jump at the chance to make fun of it. I wanted to watch this movie to see if any of it was funny. Truth be told, it's awkward to watch mostly, and not really funny. I think they took the easy way out and tried to do prat falls and bathroom humor too much for it to be funny. It had some potential though. For instance, the actress that played Becca/Bella (Proske) she copied Kristen Stewart's unending twitching and fidgeting pretty well. She nailed the characters lack of confidence and self consciousness. She also had the general appearance of Kristen Stewart so that helps. The actor that played Edward/Edward (Lanter) of course was painted white, had his hair puffed up and made faces like he was stoned or constipated all the time, so he did a good job of copying his original as well. The actor that played Jacob/Jacob (Chris Riggi) also looked like his original so he was good as a look a like. He also was in excellent shape so he could take off his shirt as often as possible as well.
Overall visually this movie is a very good copy. You can tell the cinematography is similar, as are locations, wardrobe, etc., but of course, this movie ends up being just plain dumb. I think they had an excellent shot at making something really funny and witty, but blew it. Two directors? Why? This bothers me as one is best to shoot a movie from start to finish with one viewpoint, you have two and I start to wonder why one couldn't handle it.
I smiled at a couple of parts and that's about it.
I give it 2 1/2 stubs out of 5 for copying the original well, but failing to be funny like it's supposed to be. In fact, the original Twilight is probably more funny (unintentionally of course) than this comedy. Save your time and money and skip both.
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