1. Twilight series - Ok, so I've only seen the first one, but that's all I need to see to know this story sucks. When the actors cannot act, that's a big problem for making me believe in the story. When the movie is shot like an MTV video with weird camera angles and short, quick cut scenes, that's also a big problem for me. Maybe if I had A.D.D. it would seem like a better movie, but most importantly....when the 2 actors that are portraying a couple (and they really are/were a couple off screen) have the chemistry of my sneakers, or perhaps my 2 sneakers sitting on the floor after my workout, that's a BIG problem for me. Make a vampire/human/werewolf love story? But then make sure the actors have no talent and no sizzle with each other, yeah, that's a surefire way to make me hate your movie, besides the lack of substance in the story itself. I've seen television commercials at 30 seconds have more substance and style.

2. Citizen Kane - Rosebud. Ah yes, we all watched it to find out what the dying man's last words meant, turns out it's nothing important.....much like the rest of this movie. There's nothing earth-shatteringly important about it and it was kinda' boring and slow paced. I know some of you might argue with me, but for me, not good enough.

3. Lost in Translation - Oh man, I heard so much about how great this movie was....and it was not. You can tell that a lonely older married man and this young lonely married woman like each other (against all odds) floating aimlessly in a foreign country, but the romance never goes anywhere, much like the movie. It's all just a big build up to nothing at the end.

4. Pirates of the Caribbean - I just don't get it. I don't understand why these movies are so popular. I watched the first one and I didn't like it, and then, they keep making sequels? There's nothing special about the story, nothing interesting that makes me want to keep watching, and I don't care about the characters, so that leaves nothing. I liked the ride at Disneyland, does that count?

5. Shakespeare in Love - This movie won an Oscar???!!! How????!!! It sucked. Again, no chemistry between lovers, no interesting story lines, no comic relief, and no talented actors pretending to act! Come on, somebody wake up the academy before they strike again and pick another terrible movie to win.

6. The Soloist - I heard about how good this movie was and that it's based on a true story, like that's supposed to make it better somehow. Perhaps the real story was better, but the movie was trying too hard to be moving/profound and it just ended up being long and drawn out to the point where I was bored.

7. The Hangover - Not funny. Granted, Bradley Cooper was EXTREMELY hot in this movie, but that is not funny. I smiled a couple times, but I thought the humor was either awkwardly strange, or cliche. Just nothing new, or funny about it. And then they make a sequel?! Unreal!
![Saving Private Ryan (Sapphire Series) [Blu-ray]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51inT85gEvL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)
8. Saving Private Ryan - I don't get it. I'm sure it was very realistic as far as the first World War goes, but the story wasn't compelling enough for me to care about the characters.

9. Fried Green Tomatoes - This movie is about 2 lesbians who do not act on their instincts (thankfully, because it would be really gross to see these 2 actresses make out with anyone, men or women). I don't have anything against lesbians, but I do have something against a crappy movie. This movie has been so hyped up to me about how good it is and I simply must see it! I did and I wasn't impressed. In fact, I was mostly bored.

10. The Hours - Ugh, another snooze fest. I heard this movie was good, but it was a lesbian that told me this, so after I've seen the movie I can understand why. All the "straight" women in this film are either closet homosexuals, or confused bisexuals. Again, I don't have a problem with any one sexual orientation, but the characters were just underdeveloped or annoying. Utter pointless characters, boring story, and just plain no good. This movie is a severe downer and a complete waste of time.

11. Clerks - I don't get it. This movie basically about nothing is supposed to be witty and funny, but I just wasn't entertained and I didn't feel connected to any of the characters. Also, not funny. It looked cheap and it was. That was supposed to be charming somehow I guess?

12. Natural Born Killers - um I hated this movie. Two messed up kids grow up, get together, fall in love, start killing people and the media makes them into rock stars. I get the "message" of the film about how irresponsible media is, influencing crime and all, but these shots during this movie were cheesy at times, the characters could be pretty awkward and the whole movie was just too long and too silly for me to take serious. There was a better way to do this one.
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