Released: October 2011
1. Mylo Xyloto
2. Hurts like Heaven
3. Paradise
4. Charlie Brown
5. Us Against the World
6. M.M.I.X.
7. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
8. Major Minus
9. U.F.O.
10. Princess of China
11. Up in Flames
12. A Hopeful Transmission
13. Don't Let it Break Your Heart
14. Up with the Birds
Overall, I'm really disappointed. I have been concerned with the direction this band (one of my favorites) has been going since their 3rd album, X & Y, came out in 2005. At that point, they were still doing ok, they just had a few songs I wasn't so crazy about. By the time Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends was released in 2008, I was losing faith in their abilities to sound the way they did on their first two albums. At least I was liking half the album, but that's 50% less then the first two albums where I could listen to the entire album and fall in love with every song.
Now, I'm speechless in the worst possible way. I really want to like this album, but I'm having some serious troubles finding music that I like on it. I bought the album on faith knowing that my favorite current band wouldn't let me down, but anytime any artist I like teams up with Brian Eno, I know they are evolving. Evolution can be a very very good thing, but in the case of Coldplay, I think it's detrimental. Brian Eno also did the same exact thing to U2 in the late 90's/early 00's. And now where is U2? Bono's out there trying to save the world (God bless him!) but not making a single note of music! Anyway, I digress.....
The thing that I loved about Parachutes (2000) and A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002) is that both of their first two studio albums had such a unique sound. It included things like using a lot of orchestral instruments (piano, violin, cellos) and blending the sound seamlessly with current tools of a rock band like electric guitar and hard percussion back beats. They had a serious tone to a lot of their songs and the music was atmospheric and beautifully intense. Chris Martin's vocals were honest and touching - cutting through each song and hitting deep inside your soul. Easily my favorite two albums of theirs, songs like Politik, In My Place, and God Put a Smile Upon Your Face are strong, intense, thoughtful, and driving rock and roll songs. But on that same album (A Rush of Blood...) songs like The Scientist, Clocks, and Green Eyes are softer, beautiful, slower, but just as powerful, just as poetic, just as moving. Warning Sign is a mix of both hard and soft, beautiful and strong, intense and emotionally raw. This album I can talk about all day and defend it's a masterpiece until I die. Parachutes was their first album and it certainly struck me hard as a great piece of art, but A Rush of Blood to the Head is my favorite album of theirs to date.
To touch on that album, Parachutes definitely showed they had something to prove, which they did elegantly. Probably the best debut album I've ever heard, it's simple, it's stripped down, it's raw, thought-provoking and always makes you interpret what each song means to you. The best track on this album is by far, Trouble, exceedingly emotional and lyrically mesmerizing, it pulled me in the very first time I heard it and I've never shaken the feeling that it's one of the most beautiful piano pieces I've ever listened to. This album is genius, haunting, and makes everyone who listens to it do some soul searching. Sometimes moody, sad, or heartbroken these songs make you think, make you remember, and make you feel. It's a visceral experience and these first two albums are all the evidence I need that this group is one of my favorites.
BUT, let's get back to current times. Current albums.....this last one. I just don't know what to say as of late for Coldplay. I still want to defend them as one of my favorite's but I guess I'm going to have to rely on their older work as evidence of their musical brilliance.
So let's talk about Mylo Xyloto.
First track, Mylo Xyloto, is just a warm up piece, much like on their last album, they are doing a very short piece that kicks off the album and melts into the beginning of the second track.
Hurts Like Heaven is a bit upbeat for me for a Coldplay track. I can hear a ghost of their former riffs and melodies, but that's about all I can recognize. Evolution of the band is very strong here, and I mean that in a bad way. I mean that in the sense that they are evolving into another completely different band I don't recognize. : (
Paradise (third track) - A much stronger song then I've heard from them lately. It has a beautiful sweeping, epic opening. Something that sounds like it's an open canyon of music unfolding in front of you. This song matches my idea of a more appropriate evolutionary path for them. This is where I saw their music going to from their first album. It even has a very soft ending and I appreciate that part of the song. I like this song, maybe in time, I'll even come to love it. Have to wait and see.
Fourth track, Charlie Brown. I feel disconnected from this song. It might have something to do with the fact that in the very beginning there is a faint noise that I believe is Alvin & the Chipmunks speaking or singing in the background. I'm not joking with you. Maybe it will grow on me in time, but for now it lacks emotionality that I expect from this band. A track that I don't think should've made it onto the album, only because I know what they are capable of, and I expect more of them.
Us Against the World, well, it'll have to be Coldplay against me because I really don't like this one. It's too slow, too weak, and audibly a bit boring. Let's move on to track 6.
M.M.I.X. - I'm assuming this is referencing Roman numerals but perhaps making a little joke of a "mix" song. It's short and instrumental so I don't have any feeling on it. It could've been left out entirely. Next!
Seven, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall. A good guitar melody in there, but overall another song that I'm kinda' not impressed by. Maybe this is Brian Eno's influence, maybe the effect of having kids has finally softened up Chris Martin's song writing abilities, BUT regardless of the reason, this album is half way over and I'm feeling like I just wasted some money on a Coldplay album. This is not a thought that I ever thought I would have! Maybe the whole album will grow on me over time? I hope.
Eighth track is called Major Minus. I don't know where their music is going. This one really reminds of me of some 70's sounding disco song. I'm dead serious. Just doesn't seem up to their standards. I'm sure this song is not going to grow on me.
U.F.O. - well, what do I say? I don't want to beat up on them too much. This song makes them sound like a shadow of their former selves. I hate to say that, but maybe they need a test audience to preview their albums from here on out.
Rounding out the number 10 spot is a gem called Princess of China, this is a duet with Rihanna.
This is my favorite song on this album and do you know why? Of course you do and if you don't know I bet you can bet why.....because this song is the most catchy, but more importantly it sounds the most like a Coldplay song. Now at first, if you've heard this song and the first two albums you would say, Hey! What are you talking about? This sounds nothing like their early style. Let me explain. This song has lyrics that match the early style of Coldplay speaking of a broken heart and has emotional depth. I feel an emotional connection to the song as soon as it starts. There's a sweeping sound to it with a strong rolling back beat prominently towards the end of the song that's reminiscent of some of their early songs, but the difference is that they've taken out the orchestra element and replaced it with a modern techno sound. It's another song that I think matches where their evolution should have gone to. This is a song I can sing along with, finally!
Up in Flames is the eleventh song and maybe it's a subconscious statement on what they think of this album. It's slow and quiet, a little pensive. I think it had potential, but then it ends and the song's over. Another little disappointment. Oh Coldplay! What have you done to yourselves?!
#12 - A Hopeful Transmission. This is another 33 second interlude that's unnecessary in the album. Doesn't add much or induce any feeling for me.
Lucky #13 - Don't Let it Break Your Heart - Possibly another secret message to me to hold on for another album? Probably not, but I will none-the-less. Another song that has some possibilities for it, but I just don't have much feeling for it. It's kinda' just there, not being good or bad.
Last track, Up With the Birds. It has a very quiet slow beginning. It finally warms up into something I'm really liking about the 2:15 minute mark from there it's good. Sadly the song is only 3:45 minutes long so by the time it gets going and you're really digging it, it's over.
And that's the album. What's our final count?
I like exactly 3 songs out of 14. I could say 2 and 1/2 songs since Up With the Birds isn't good until it's almost over.
That's TERRIBLE for me for a Coldplay album.
Parachutes - loved all 10 songs. Listened to the album 1000 times front to back.
A Rush of the Blood to the Head - loved all 11 songs. Not one single complaint. I'm talking music that sounds sooooo good you close your eyes listening to it. If I knew when I was about to die, this would be the last album I listened to before I go. That damn good. My favorite album from them.
X&Y - liked all the songs, but really only loved 1 (The Hardest Part).
Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends - 3 1/2 songs I totally did not like. Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love is the half song I do/don't like. But still, there's easily 6 1/2 songs I love. Oh, the good ole' days where I still liked the majority of what I was hearing. I was bitching back then, but I didn't know what was to follow.
Mylo Xyloto - 3 songs I like/love. 11 I do not.
Oh and the rating system! I almost wanted to forget it all together.
I have to give this album my lowest rating so far (but this is my first music review posted)
1 1/2 microphones out of 5 because I think Coldplay has evolved so much that they are almost unrecognizable and that's happened in the most unfortunate way. I really hope they can find a way back to their former glory soon.
I've come to expect the feeling of a warm blanket enveloping me when I listen to their music, and the songs I DO like, no matter the album, are like that. Listening to my favorite songs by them is like comfort food for my ears. I've always said, if there's a Heaven, Coldplay will play over the intercom system (at least for me) for eternity and that would truly make me happy.
Yeah, I agree with you on this latest Coldplay album as well. Not up to the expectations that all Coldplay fans expect from an evolving band. Paradise and Princess of China are my favorite songs on the album as well. I have been listening to the older albums when I am in the mood for a Coldplay fix. Yes, let's hope they can return to their former glory in their subsequent albums.
ReplyDeleteI find myself lately turning to OneRepublic music more often than Coldplay. OneRepublic also has some great upbeat songs, mixed in with some more serene and emotional songs. I even created a mixed CD lately containing my favorite Coldplay and OneRepublic songs. :-)