Released: 2012
Rated: M for mature
Since I loved the tv show, my husband decided to buy this for me on our PS3 and play it together to watch the story.
You play a character named Lee that was a murderer before the zombie outbreak, but due to some unforeseen events gets busted free and has to find his way through the world alone.
You travel around and find a little girl all alone in a tree house named Clementine. She's sweet and you decide to take care of her.
The rest of the game is you doing everything you can to protect her through various situations.
If you want to play it, I'm not going to ruin much of the story line for you, but I can say, sometimes you'll travel alone, sometimes with a group. People you like will die, and people you don't like will die.
I enjoyed the story of the game, but felt like the ending was pure audience emotional manipulation due to Robert Kirkman's insane control over his work. He's terribly protective of it and seems to really only be good for comics, not for tv, or games. With that said, I wouldn't recommend that you skip it, if you like the tv show. Just be prepared for gritty on screen deaths and horrible circumstances for anyone to live through.
The thing I disliked was the controls for the PS3. Most other games have much more advanced systems for moving, weapons load outs, ammo, hand to hand combat, and they do well with simple controls. For some reason the game's simple moving and fighting is very poorly done for PS3. I don't know if it's equally frustrating on PC or other gaming systems, but I know it for Playstation.
3 out of 5 for a good story, but bad controls and an ending I think was manipulative that didn't have to be.
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