Released: 2012
Director: Josh Trank
Starring: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, and other nobodies
Running Time: 84 minutes
Rated: PG-13
The breakdown: 3 high school friends make a discovery that leaves them with superhero like powers.
So there's this teenage boy that you're supposed to feel sorry for. He has no real friends, likes to video tape everything all the time, has no girlfriend, and gets abused by his father, oh yeah, his mom's dying too.
He's a miserable guy. Anyway, he goes to a party with one of the guys who hangs out with him occasionally. While there, the kid who's running for class president says they need his camera because he found something interesting in the ground.
The three boys touch this glowing alien thing in a cavern in the ground, and are gifted with super powers like flying, telekinesis, and super strength.
As they keep to themselves and learn to hone their powers, the boy you're supposed to feel sorry for, turns into a real asshole.
I won't ruin the ending for you, though, I don't think you should bother, but by the end of the film, you hate him. At least, I did and didn't feel sorry for him in the slightest.
Skip it. It's stupid and was unintentionally funny.
1 out of 5.
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