Released: 2010
Director: Tony Scott
Starring: Denzel Washington, and Chris Pine
Running Time: 98 minutes
Rated: PG-13
The breakdown: A fast moving unmanned train is threatening to cause untold deaths and destruction unless someone risks their own lives and stops it before it crashes.
Oh my gosh this movie was such a waste of time!
If you want to see it, DON'T, but if you still do want to, don't read this review because I'm going to talk about the ending so I will SPOIL it for you.
Still here?
At the beginning, this overweight fool who can't run for crap is trying to move this half-mile long train to a different track at the train station. This is where the conductors start their day, and where trains are loaded and held until they can start their journey. He needs to move a train to make room for another one that's coming along the same track. He starts it up, then jumps out ahead of it to switch the junction box to move the tracks, thus redirecting the train to it's stationary track. Of course, what happens? You already know, he didn't connect the brakes, and he left it in neutral, but the thing with trains is that somehow they can pull themselves out of neutral and start gaining speed, barreling down the tracks all on their own. He sees this happening along with a co-worker and he's so overweight, he cannot catch up to it.
He tells his superior reluctantly and she's freaking out, but knows they should be able to catch it further down the track.
Meanwhile Denzel and Chris Pine are on a separate train that's owned by the same company but at a different station. They hear all about the impending doom and decide they want to make their day interesting by trying to catch it and save the day.
The cinematography is poor. One zooming in shot after another, trying to give you some sort of feeling I'm guessing that this is realistic? Or tense?
The acting from Rosario Dawson is poor, probably not her fault, but the directors, and a weak script.
The overall plot sounds interesting, but the execution is really boring and the film could not hold my interest. You never feel connected to any of the characters and you don't care what happens to the train.
Overall, a total waste of time and complete flop.
Do not see this film.
1 out of 5 for boredom and nothing great to speak of.
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