Released: 2009
Horror, Sci-fi
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster, Cam Gigandet
Director: Christian Alvart
Running Time: 108 minutes
Rated R for violence and language
The breakdown:
Aboard a gigantic space ship, two men wake up to find they have no idea what's happened to the rest of their crew or the thousands of civilians on board.
I was really expecting this movie to suck. I just watched it to kill a couple of hours, but I was pleasantly surprised, I really ended up liking it.
Quaid plays the commanding officer in charge of a huge ship. So big that they have about 4 independent crews that work in year shifts. One crew is supposed to be up and working at all times. The other crews rest in hyper sleep until their shift comes due. Foster plays a subordinate that wakes up first. He discovers that no one is running the ship and none of the crew is around but Quaid and he's still in hyper sleep. After waking Quaid they discuss what's going on. Quaid was the Lieutenant of another shift other than Foster's so they don't know or remember each other at all. Both of them seem to remember nothing and have no idea what's happened. They really don't even remember who they themselves are. They do know that the ship is not able to travel so they are essentially stranded out in the middle of space and they soon discover they are not the only living entities on the ship. While Quaid stays on the commanding deck, he navigates Foster via radio transmitter through the ship to see if he can find out what's happened. The longer he's gone the more they discover and the harder it is to survive. Basically, well......I don't even want to get into because it will ruin it for you. If you haven't seen it yet, I think it's worth catching. There's a good amount of scares as well as thought-provoking ideas that tap into humanity's worst fears.
I give it 4 out of 5 ticket stubs for originality and creativity, as well as a surprising and satisfying ending.
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