Released: 2011
Director: Martin Campbell
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Peter Sarsgaard, Blake Lively (whoever she is)
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 114 minutes
The breakdown: A test pilot is chosen by a ring to be the next protector in line for our section of the universe.
I thought as soon as I saw the previews that this movie didn't look very good, and it didn't disappoint there.
A test pilot who's "fearless" is chosen by a green lantern ring when the original owner is close to death and lands his spaceship on Earth. The ring picks up the pilot and brings him to the dying alien to be told of his destiny. The pilot is taught how to use the ring, what his job is and how to fight.
The green lanterns are a group of superheroes meant to fight any threat and specifically to try to keep peace in the universe. The major threat in this movie to all living things is some entity called Parallax. It thrives on fear and uses that as it's weapon to get stronger and stronger and it's next target is earth.
Oh I should mention this is based on the DC Comic character of the same name.
The comic book might be great, but this movie is not.
I noticed that there are no less than four screenwriters and it shows. There's no cohesion, or clarity to this movie.
I'm on a roll for bad movies lately. This complaint sounds the same as the other movies lately - boring characters that aren't developed and you don't care about them at all, empty dialogue that mostly sounds cliche and lacking passion. This girl, Blake Lively, she can't act, but I've never seen her in anything else either. Empty, passionless, and boring.
I give it a 1 out of 5 for Peter Sarsgaard and Ryan Reynolds, who are both hot, but cannot save a crappy script.
Skip it for certain.
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