Released: 2011
Sci-fi, Drama
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence
Running Time: 132 minutes
Rated: PG-13
The breakdown: A prequel to the other X-Men movies, this shows the origins of Professor X, Magneto, and others as they meet and work together to save the world.
I wasn't sure how this movie was going to go as I was pretty devoted to the first cast, but these actors really did a great job. I'm almost liking the origin stories more than the original movies now.
This shows how Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr started out with their powers, how they meet, and become friends. It also shows the origins of Beast, Mystique, and Frost from the older movies. It's great to see Professor X and Magneto as friends and working together. But unfortunately as they are working together to save the world, a rift develops between them and they fall on different sides of an argument about whether to fight for humans or against them. I always liked Professor X but this movie made me understand Magneto's motivations as well, and he is not the bad guy I thought he was. He's definitely a gray character, not black and white anymore.
This has plenty of action, drama, and entertainment so if you're on the fence about seeing it, don't be.
Plus, I fell in love with James McAvoy all over again after not seeing him in any movies for a few years.
See it! 4 and 1/2 out of 5 for a great movie with an entertaining cast and engaging story.
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