Released: 2010
Drama, action
Director: Christopher Smith
Starring: Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne
Running Time: 102 minutes
Rated: R
The breakdown: During the time of the bubonic plague in England, a monk sets out with a group of hardened soldiers to find out if reports are true about a small village bringing people back to life after death.
So, I kinda' just recorded this as a semi joke for my husband, who loves stories about the Black Plague, but I thought it was going to be about zombies.
Turns out there are no zombies involved, but necromancing and witchcraft instead.
A young monk is in love with a girl when the first casualties of the plague hit in England. He tells her to leave and go to a safe place and wait for him for a week.
Luckily for him, a group of soldiers come through looking for a monk that they can take with them to guide them to a small village where reports of the dead being brought back to life must be investigated.
The young monk sees his opportunity and takes it.
He travels with this band for the duration of their needs and eventually find the girl, but it's not the way he planned.
Won't say anymore since the rest is better left to you to see for yourself.
It was a pretty good movie with some surprises in store.
3 1/2 out of 5 for something different and original, although it could've moved a bit faster at points for me.